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Soundiron Bizarre Sitar v2.0 西塔琴音色取樣 英文DVD版 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
軟體名稱: Soundiron Bizarre Sitar v2.0
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護種類: 無
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
軟體類型: 音色取樣
更新日期: 2012.11.28
軟體發行: Soundiron
官方網站: http://www.soundiron.com/instruments/strings/bizarre-sitar/
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

SF、HoneRiSO、KONTAKT、XYZ 是大便等,其中只有 AKAI 是相容性最強的音色格
受歡迎的音色格式是 GIGASAMPLE 格式,GIGASTUDIO 是目前最流行的PC 機軟體取
樣音源,他可以實現最佳的取樣音質,一個音色可以最大支援到 1GB 的容量,所
以 GIGA 格式制做的音色碟通常都是經典中的經典,而且實際的售價也比一般的格

The bizarre sitar may not seem so strange at first glance. It has most of the
elements found on any other sitar, with its traditional gourd body, both
main playable strings and sympathetic resonating strings, parda (adjustable
curved frets), kunti (tuning pegs), dandi (neck), ghoraj (main bridge) all
complete with orante hand-painted accents. At just over 24 in length, however,
this little beauty is barely half the size of a standard sitar. Simply being
small isnt bizarre by any means, but what is bizarre is how it can achieve
such a lush, full-bodied sound while being so small. Intended as more decoration
than instrument, we feel this little guy has been highly underestimated.
Although soft-spoken and possesssing fewer strings than normal (5 main and 6
sympathetic), all this baby sitar needed was someone to listen closely.
And we did very close.

At the heart of our Bizarre Sitar library are the strumming patches. Two main
strumming tunings are included, a fifth and and octave/unison. An onboard
Speed knob (MIDI assignable and defaulted to the modwheel) allows you to
sculpt the speed of the individual strum from very tight, fast strums to slower,
plucky strums. The strums are tuned and spread across the entire keyboard,
providing deep, droning sounds in the low end and sharp, madloin-like plucks
in the high end. In addition, weve also included individual string plucks for
lead lines and accents. Special combo patches give you both plucks in the high
end and strums in the low-end for easy playability. Also included are a number
of effects (fret scrapes, mutes, etc.), staccato bowing, tremolo bowing and
sustained bowing. As usual, there are several ambience drones comprised entirely
of source material from the bizarre sitar library. Combined with our custon
front panel controls and included tone / effects controls with custom reverb
convolutions the Bizarre Sitar library is extremely flexible and versatile.

For version 2.0, weve improved key-mapping and overall playability, added a
full set of brand new automatable performance, effect and arpeggiator controls,
fixed a few minor bugs and refined the overall experience.

The main focus of this library is the strumming. The unison articulation was
tuned with strings in unison and in several octaves to give a very full sounding
strum. The fifth articulation was tuned with strings in unison and in fifths,
similar to the Pancham-Kharaj tuning popularized by Ravi Shankar. By recording
several different strumming speeds for both the fifth and the unison strumming
articulations, this library allows you to create realistic sounding strums by
adjusting the speed in real-time.

The pluck articulation is included for lead lines and accents. The first string
on the sitar was recorded in several different tunings with multiple velocity
layers. The natural tendency of this instrument is for the pitch to be slightly
sharp on the initial attack and bend down gently over time. The effect is
increased in the higher velocity layers.

Though not traditionally bowed, we decided to include several bonus patches of
bowed sitar: sustain, staccato, and tremolo. The tremolo patch features an
intensity knob to adjust through three different intensity layers and a
Speed knob to adjust the playback speed of the tremolo samples. This allows
you to more closely match a specific tempo or crank it up and go crazy. The
included Convolution Reverb effect features 74 select custom impulse responses
recorded from some of our favorite locations. Among those are also fx impulses
which are more special effect than reverb.

4 Main Articulations:
* Bowed (staccato, tremolo and sustains)
* Plucked (10x rr, 5-6 velocities)
* Strummed (10x rr, 4-8 velocities)
* FX (includes mutes, scrapes and other special effects)



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